Geesh...the past year and a half have been some crazy ones! I am soooo tired of being cold, come on Texas Heat! Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and safe and family filled New Year.
Where to begin....? Well, most recently, I was so happy to reunite with a brother that I haven't seen in almost twenty years :)! He and his family, my niece and nephew and his wife and myself and my hubby and kids, along with my sister and her son(now living with us! whole other story in itself!), all had dinner last Saturday. It was wonderful, he is soooo sweet and his kids are beautiful and so sweet as well. His wife is too funny and sweet, of course. There is a lot of family crap that we've both endured as far as our father, whom I will refer to as "the sperm donor" from here on out. I don't tell my story about that to too many ppl.
Short and sweet, my father could be the perfect psychopath, he's smart in a scary way and I could see him being on one of those crime shows as a serial killer or rapist or something..scary I know! Short and to the point, he was and is abusive, both physically, mentally and verbally. He is a pedophile and a drunk, a womanizer and a habitual liar. Woohoo, gotta love that for a dad huh? Ummm...not! He should have been locked away years ago, and all I can say is Thank God my mom got us away from him as soon as she did.
Anyhow! Enough about the "sperm donor"!
I am happy to say that the relationship with my first daughter and my grandson is still going strong. We text and message each other via facebook quite often. We were able to spend the day at her grandmas the first week in January. Where we exchanged Christmas gifts and talked and ate and the kids had a blast. I'm soooo blessed, I can only Thank God for giving me the chance to know her and her family and have the wonderful relationship we still have. Thanks for taking the time to read this, I promise to post again soon! If anyone still reads this blog that is!!
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